End of Year Reflection - 2022

Dear readers, 2022 has ended, and what a year it was. I don’t know about you, but I am both exhausted and exhilarated. I graduated college this year. I sewed and worked more than I ever have. I learned a lot about my craft, my skills, and myself. I know sometimes these reflection posts can come off as selfish or self-absorbed or bragging, but that’s not my intention here. As a creative, I get distracted easily and I forget all that I’ve done. These reflections help me remind myself that I did the damn thing, and that’s what this is here for.

Looking back on my Goals post from the beginning of the year, it’s about a 50/50 chance on whether I hit the goal or not. I didn’t expand my professional wardrobe with things I made, nor did I make a dress for graduation. I did get my Tolkien celebration project done, and that was seven garments alone. I kept track of how many yards of fabric got made into things this year. The grand total was 74.4 yards. If that sounds like a lot, it certainly felt like a lot! I designed and built three shows, opened two, did three historical sewing projects, and a load more smaller projects.

The biggest thing I’m taking out of 2022 is confidence. There’s nothing to do but to keep going and see where 2023 takes me. I hope you’ll stick around and I hope you’ll stay tuned, dear reader. Until next time, with my happiest wishes for a wonderful new year.




1917 Evening Gown and Coat


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